Sunday, April 18, 2010

Initial post

Not just a test, but an outline of things to come. We hope you enjoy it and find it worthwhile because our aim is to help make motorcycling even more enjoyable than it already is. We want this to be interactive, so comment away on anything and everything.

So what is this Tour of Honor? Well, it's still in the works, but we'd at least like you to know that it's going to be a little fun...a little competitive...a little challenging...and a lot rewarding. And if its motorcycle related, it can't be all bad. Follow us on Twitter to find important dates relating to this Tour of Honor.

In the meantime, we want to present informative articles on motorcycling and hope you get something out of them. Articles on street riding, touring, commuting, long distance riding, route planning, motorcycle camping, maybe even some dirt. And you adding to the conversation will hopefully benefit everyone.

Just a note: This isn't a brand-specific site, it's about motorcycling in general, so you won't find discussions promoting one brand over another. Or whether loud pipes really do save lives.

Have fun, ride safe!

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